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  • Elsley Primary School

    Elsley Primary School


    School Opening Hours and Attendance

    Gates open at 8:45am for 'soft start' 

    School starts at 8.55am.

    All pupils must be in school by this time.

    School finishes at 3:15pm. 

    The minimum expected attendance level for pupils is 96%. Please ensure your child is in school every day unless they are unwell, and you have notified the school.

    School Absence

    To report your child’s absence please phone: 0208 902 8003, email or fill in the form below 
    • Please remember to ring/email on the first day of a child’s absence
    • Keep school updated if your child is going to be absent for a few days - please call daily.
    • Avoid taking your child out of school in term time . Please take family holidays during the school holiday times ONLY as leave will NOT be granted.
    • Make every effort to schedule medical appointments outside school time 
    • Advice on whether you should send your child to school or not due to illness can be found here:

    Absence Form

    Attendance documents