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Welcome to Nursery at Elsley Primary School, where our youngest pupils begin their exciting educational journey. In Nursery, children learn through play, exploring the world around them in a safe and nurturing environment. Our dedicated team fosters social skills, early literacy, and numeracy through fun and engaging activities. We focus on developing each child’s confidence, independence, and love for learning, setting the foundation for their future education.


Teacher: Mrs Patel   
Teaching Assistant: Ms Bartok
Leader: Ms S. Tyndale



  • Please make sure your child has a named water bottle in school every day. Some of the children have identical unnamed bottles.
  • Please bring a suitable coat and make sure that it is named.
  • Please name cardigans and jumpers.
  • Children should bring a school book bag or a small rucksack to school for transporting reading books and parent letters.
  • Please ensure children do not ride scooters and bikes within the school grounds.