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  • Elsley Primary School

    Elsley Primary School

    Out of School Enrichment

    School Trips

    We aim to provide children with a range of enriching experiences at Elsley Primary. Every Year group from Nursery to Year Six takes part in a range of exciting trips to a variety of inspiring locations, all linked to an aspect of the children's learning.

    Past trips have included visits to:

    • Kew Gardens
    • The Globe
    • Bridge Park
    • Art Galleries
    • Buddhist Temples
    • Theatres and Cinemas
    • Science Museum
    • Royal Albert Hall
    • RAF Museum
    • London Transport Museum
    • ZSL London Zoo
    • Wembley Stadium


    Extended Days

    Starting with children in Years 1, 2 and 3, there is an 'extended day' experience in which children begin to experience being at school later in the day once it gets dark. They are introduced to the joys of some of the residential experiences, such as singing a song or hearing a story around a campfire, before returning home to sleep as normal. The activities are themed around their learning, with Year 1 linking to their English book, 'The Dark' by Lemony Snickett, Year 2's extended day is themed around their Superhero topic and Year 3's ties into their Stone Age topic. 



    Sleeping away from home is a significant part of Elsley's enhanced curriculum. The residential experience builds up each year, developing children's confidence and independence. 

    As this is a valued part of the Elsley enhanced curriculum, we aim for 100% participation. We work closely with parents to overcome any concerns; accommodating medical needs, religious requirements, anxieties, financial difficulties or any other concerns so that we offer to include all children.

    As the children get older, the experience is extended to include an evening meal and then, by Year 4, to sleeping overnight in a tent on the school field. Children develop their skills and qualities of self-confidence and independence, packing and bringing an overnight bag, learning to look after their belongings and working with others to put up and take down a tent. This experience takes place within the safety of the school's own grounds with the familiarity of the location being a comfort to children and their parents.

    In Years 5 and 6 these experiences are then further extended by having a 2 or 3 overnight experience away from the school setting, further developing the children's confidence and independence.

    Past Residentials have taken place in:

    • Devon and Cornwall
    • Stratford-Upon-Avon
    • Chester
    • Shewsbury


    We believe extended days and residential trips…

    • Enhance our children’s classroom learning experiences.
    • Are an opportunity to teach our school values of Learning, Sharing, Achieving and Respecting in an experiential context.
    • Build stronger relationships between children and between our staff and children.
    • Provide our children with an opportunity for personal growth.