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  • Elsley Primary School

    Elsley Primary School


    Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.

    If you have concerns about child or adult, first speak to a member of the safeguarding team. Where this may not be possible report your concern to Brent Family Front Door.

    For any matters concerning Child Protection and Safeguarding, please email:

    For urgent  Child Protection matters, outside of school hours, please contact:
    Brent Family Front Door Tel: 020 8937 4300 or email:

    The Child Protection and Safeguarding policy is available within the policies section of our website.

    For more support, please visit the websites below:











    For more support on Online Safety, please visit our Online Safety page.



    Meet our Safeguarding team



    Ms S. Tyndale
    Designated Safeguarding Leader
    Mr R. Moss
    Ms C. Boamah
    Deputy Head
    Mrs K. Mulji
    Deputy Head
    Ms A. Campbell
    Assistant Head







    Ms N. Inson
    Assistant Head







    Mr J. Woolman
    Assistant Head

    Mrs S. Elsawy-Butt
    Family Support Worker
    Mr J. Fraser
    Online Safety Lead